At Lakeridge Dentistry, we understand you are proactive in your dental care and may have questions for us. For your convenience, we have provided a list of frequently asked questions. However, if your question hasn’t been answered below, please give us a call or stop by our office!
Are you accepting new patients?
Yes, we always accept new patients.
How are pricing and benefits coverage determined?
For pricing matters, our office follows the Ontario Dental Fee guide. In terms of benefits coverage, the amount is unique to each plan. Our team is very knowledgeable on these matters and will work with you to help you understand your options.
When should my child first visit the dentist?
According to the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), a child should be seen by a dentist within 6 months of the first tooth appearing or by the child’s first birthday.
Do I need to see the dentist every 6 months?
The frequency with which you visit the dentist is completely dependent upon your oral health. How well you care for your teeth and gums will determine how often your dentist recommends you schedule appointments.
Do I need x-rays taken at each consultation?
Just as with scheduling visits, your need for x-rays is dependent upon your oral health. If you haven’t had any dental issues in the recent past, x-rays likely won’t be needed at each appointment.
What can I do about my sensitive teeth?
Our dentists will provide you solutions and home care plans to ease your discomfort and sensitivity.
Can I eat following a filling?
If the material is already set, yes. However, if freezing has been used during your appointment, avoid chewing with that side of your mouth until it wears off. Doing so will help you avoid biting your cheek or burning your mouth without realizing it.