After using a durable resin material to restore your teeth, please be aware of the following information:
Avoid excessive chewing of hard foods such as hard candy or ice as the resin material can break under a great deal of pressure.
It’s common to have sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures for a few weeks after a filling. Keep in mind that the deeper the cavity, the greater the sensitivity.
If the gum tissue in and around the anesthetic injection site is sore, use warm salt water to heal it.
Permanent Crowns & Bridges
Once the restoration is complete, it typically takes a few days to adjust to the feel of a new crown or bridge. Remember:
Avoid hard and sticky foods for 24 hours from the time the crown or bridge was cemented, as it must finish this process to reach full strength.
Adhering to consistent brushing, flossing and 6-month cleanings is essential, as the crowned tooth can decay if not properly taken care of.
Root Canal Therapy
Following a root canal treatment, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to experience sensitivity to hot/cold temperatures and pressure.
Treat the tooth in question gently while eating until the final restoration.
The possibility exists to use a temporary filling between visits. During that time, avoid chewing gum and flossing in that area.
If your bite feels unbalanced after the procedure, please give us a call, as it is an easy fix and could cause prolonged sensitivity.
After having a tooth extracted, biting on moist gauze is strongly recommended. Should you experience mild to moderate discomfort, take Advil or Tylenol. If the pain doesn’t subside, please call us. Also, please remember:
After your appointment, completely avoid smoking or drinking through a straw.
For the first 24 hours after the extraction, do not consume hot/spicy foods.
Avoid heavy lifting or taxing physical activity for the first 24 hours.
Sutures typically dissolve in 7-10 days or will be removed after 2 weeks.
Following the implementation of your veneers, there are a few pieces of information to be aware of:
Like natural teeth, using excessive force on hard foods can cause the porcelain veneers to break.
For optimum upkeep and appearance of your veneers, proper brushing, flossing and consistent 6-month cleanings are vital.
Should your gums begin receding, it’s typically an indication that your veneers need replacement.
Dental Implant Surgery
After any implant surgery, be sure to take any prescribed medication and avoid disturbing the area in question. A small amount of bleeding is normal during the first 24 hours after the procedure. However, if it persists, please call our office. Remember:
After the procedure, please do not smoke or drink through a straw.
The affected area will likely be swollen. Apply ice during the first 24 hours to reduce the swelling.
A metal healing cap may be sticking through the gum tissue; please do not disturb that area.
Complete & Partial Dentures
Whether you’ve received complete or partial dentures, we recommend a clear set of maintenance guidelines to keep in mind:
The bite may feel irregular. If so, we can make adjustments to the surface once the dentures have been firmly set in place.
You may have a few sore spots after the first 24 hours, which can be easily relieved at the next appointment.
For complete dentures, brush them at least once daily with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
For partial dentures, carefully clean the area that comes in contact with your natural teeth on a daily basis to avoid decay.
Scaling & Root Planing
After a scaling and root planing procedure, mild, temporary pain is common and typically subsides in 24 hours. Using Tylenol or Advil is recommended to relieve it.
If you’ve been sedated as part of any dental procedure, you must have someone drive you home. Resting for the remainder of the day after your appointment is strongly recommended. Following sedation, refrain from:
Taking other medications
Consuming alcohol
Consuming coffee or caffeinated beverages
Driving or operating machinery
Exercising or lifting heavy items
Making important decisions